Shawn, You seriously gave me homework!
Yes, I have homework. I don't even give homework to my students and I cringe with teachers say students are failing their classes because the students don't do homework. But I was lovingly assigned homework this evening. My goal for this homework is for those that read my blog and my awesome PLN to learn more about me. A second goal, to get it turned in before +Todd Bloch. Thanks,Shawn Davids for assigning this and also for listing me as a blog you follow. It made my night! But the questions you gave me are hard!
11 Random Facts (okay why not just facts why do they have to be random.)
1) Turtles are one of my favorite animals. My husband says I will die by turtle because I save them off the roads. (I blame my dad, he use to pull snapping turtles off the road by our house when I was little.)
2) I sing the car. Loudly like a diva.
3) Many of my students call me a diva. I demand their attention and throw "mini diva" fits when I don't get it.
4) It was said by a great principal I have worked with that I "was made for middle school." I own that, everyday I walk into my class knowing this and I live by it.
5) I am an only child. I am spoiled, demanding, pouty and want to be love. I own this too.
6) I never wanted to be a teacher. As a teenager and a college freshman I was told I would be a great teacher. I denied it, I was set on being lawyer. Then at the end of my freshman year I volunteered to coach debate for the Urban Debate League in St. Louis. I was hooked. The next year I selected a second degree to pursue, Secondary Education.
7) I have color issues. My shoes, belt, glasses have match in color. If it can't happen I will wear my contacts. My glasses are black so if my outfit calls for black shoes and a black belt I will wear my glasses, if my shoes are brown, my belt is brown, I will wear my contacts. I will never wear black shoes with a brown belt. All this also depends on my outfit. It has nothing to do with fashion, I physically can not do it.
8) I love studying the evolution of execution in society. If you ask me about it I can go on forever. Yes it is morbid, but I believe that if you analyze how a society executes people you learn about the society, the values, the ethics, the beliefs and the view of humanity. This is one reason I started to study Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn.
9) I don't use sarcasm, I don't get sarcasm but for some strange, unknown reason I have surrounded myself with some of the most sarcastic people including my husband, Les.
10)I am one of those people that treat their dog like a kid. Miller is just so dare cute.
11) I am a mess....Les tells me I leave a mess where every I go. Luckily he is not, he picks up after me!
1. Smooth or Crunchy Peanut Butter?
Crunchy, I have texture issues with smooth.
2. Where is your "happy place?"
Curled up on the couch with a good book on my Kindle, a glass of wine or hot chocolate, Miller laying on the floor and Les in the recliner. I am content.
3. What was your favourite movie growing up as a child?
Labyrinth, was a child and still is! "You remind me of the babe!"
4. What quote inspires you the most?
"Change your thoughts and you change the world." Norman Vincent Peale This is posted in my classroom and is a major goal I have for all my students.
5. If you could sit down for one hour with any person, past or present, who would it be and why?
Anne Boleyn! I love this era in history and it was my area of study in college. This woman changed our world. Anne Boleyn was pawn for power, used by her family to gain wealth and land. She held a king in the palm of her hand all by herself. I would not want to hear from her, I would want to tell her what her life did for history, for women and how great her daughter, Elizabeth I, was for history and for me.
6. What's one of the scariest things you've ever done?
I do not do scary, like scream and running away. Seriously I am the girl that chickened out on the Jaws Ride at Universal Studios. To be fair and to answer the question I would say the scariest moment was walking into the doors to my presentation room at AMLE. Presenting at AMLE was a life changing moment. There was so much that happen leading up to my presentation, life changing things. What happen when I walked in and started that presentation was going to determine the direction my life was going to take. I was scared out of mind, so much rode on those 75 minutes. In the end, I rocked and I have not looked back. It went from the scariest moments to one of the best moment in my life.
7. In just one word, how would your friends describe you? Your colleagues?
8. What's the best decision you ever made?
Marrying Les. I know that sounds corny, canned and even lame but it is true. Les has stood beside me through all the crazy (yes, see #7) things I have done. He has supported me in my decisions and push me to remember our goals. What husband would attend a middle level teaching conference in Minneapolis in the middle of November? MINE because he is the best.
9. What did you do for your 16th birthday?
This actually happens to be my favorite birthday. Most girls dream of having a Sweet 16 birthday party and I was no different. Unfortunately, my 16th birthday happen in the middle strike at McDonnell Douglas Aircraft, and yes my dad was on strike. My parents did not have money at the time to give me that dream 16th birthday party. In the early afternoon on that day, my boyfriend, Jeremy (who happens to be still one of my closest and greatest friends), showed up at my house with 2 other friends. They took me to the mall, bought me presents, went to the movies, played video games and went to the local coffee shop. While we were gone magic happen at my house. Close family friends, the Koyns, came to the house. They had a cake, cooked a dinner and decorated. When I got home I couldn't believe it, I had a birthday party. It was small but the people who matter were there and tried to make it the best day they could. I love all of them for that day.
10. What's your favourite joke?
See # 9....
The Bloggers I nominate to have homework. (Thanks, Shawn for making this hard again, you realize we have a lot of the same people in our PLNs.)
1) Mark Clement, @edunators,
2) Dave Mulder, @d_mulder,
3) Oliver Schinkten, @schink10
4) Robert Dillon, +Robert Dillon, @ideaguy42,
5) Garnet Hillman, @garnet_hillman,
6) Todd Nelsoney, @techninjatodd,
7) Dave Stuart, @davestuartjr,
8) Amy Hiatt, +Amy Hiatt
9) Seth Berg, @bergseyeview
10) Chris McGee, @cmcgee200,
11) Michele Corbat, @michelecorbat,
Homework Questions:
1) What is your greatest moment?
2) What makes you happy?
3) What is the one show you will not miss on TV under any circumstances?
4) What is your favorite characteristic, what is your least favorite characteristic?
5) What do you want to do when you "grow up"?
6) Why have you chosen your current path?
7) Who has influenced you the most in your life?
8) What is your greatest regret? Greatest accomplishment?
9) What is the best feeling you have had?
10) What is your favorite book, why?
11) Why did you start your blog?
Now here is your homework!
Here’s how it works:
Post back here with a link after you write this. Go on, you have homework to do.
Have Fun...a real blog post will follow soon!
Shawn, did I turn my homework in before Todd???
11 Random Facts (okay why not just facts why do they have to be random.)
1) Turtles are one of my favorite animals. My husband says I will die by turtle because I save them off the roads. (I blame my dad, he use to pull snapping turtles off the road by our house when I was little.)
2) I sing the car. Loudly like a diva.
3) Many of my students call me a diva. I demand their attention and throw "mini diva" fits when I don't get it.
4) It was said by a great principal I have worked with that I "was made for middle school." I own that, everyday I walk into my class knowing this and I live by it.
5) I am an only child. I am spoiled, demanding, pouty and want to be love. I own this too.
6) I never wanted to be a teacher. As a teenager and a college freshman I was told I would be a great teacher. I denied it, I was set on being lawyer. Then at the end of my freshman year I volunteered to coach debate for the Urban Debate League in St. Louis. I was hooked. The next year I selected a second degree to pursue, Secondary Education.
7) I have color issues. My shoes, belt, glasses have match in color. If it can't happen I will wear my contacts. My glasses are black so if my outfit calls for black shoes and a black belt I will wear my glasses, if my shoes are brown, my belt is brown, I will wear my contacts. I will never wear black shoes with a brown belt. All this also depends on my outfit. It has nothing to do with fashion, I physically can not do it.
8) I love studying the evolution of execution in society. If you ask me about it I can go on forever. Yes it is morbid, but I believe that if you analyze how a society executes people you learn about the society, the values, the ethics, the beliefs and the view of humanity. This is one reason I started to study Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn.
9) I don't use sarcasm, I don't get sarcasm but for some strange, unknown reason I have surrounded myself with some of the most sarcastic people including my husband, Les.
10)I am one of those people that treat their dog like a kid. Miller is just so dare cute.
11) I am a mess....Les tells me I leave a mess where every I go. Luckily he is not, he picks up after me!
1. Smooth or Crunchy Peanut Butter?
Crunchy, I have texture issues with smooth.
2. Where is your "happy place?"
Curled up on the couch with a good book on my Kindle, a glass of wine or hot chocolate, Miller laying on the floor and Les in the recliner. I am content.
3. What was your favourite movie growing up as a child?
Labyrinth, was a child and still is! "You remind me of the babe!"
4. What quote inspires you the most?
"Change your thoughts and you change the world." Norman Vincent Peale This is posted in my classroom and is a major goal I have for all my students.
5. If you could sit down for one hour with any person, past or present, who would it be and why?
Anne Boleyn! I love this era in history and it was my area of study in college. This woman changed our world. Anne Boleyn was pawn for power, used by her family to gain wealth and land. She held a king in the palm of her hand all by herself. I would not want to hear from her, I would want to tell her what her life did for history, for women and how great her daughter, Elizabeth I, was for history and for me.
6. What's one of the scariest things you've ever done?
I do not do scary, like scream and running away. Seriously I am the girl that chickened out on the Jaws Ride at Universal Studios. To be fair and to answer the question I would say the scariest moment was walking into the doors to my presentation room at AMLE. Presenting at AMLE was a life changing moment. There was so much that happen leading up to my presentation, life changing things. What happen when I walked in and started that presentation was going to determine the direction my life was going to take. I was scared out of mind, so much rode on those 75 minutes. In the end, I rocked and I have not looked back. It went from the scariest moments to one of the best moment in my life.
7. In just one word, how would your friends describe you? Your colleagues?
8. What's the best decision you ever made?
Marrying Les. I know that sounds corny, canned and even lame but it is true. Les has stood beside me through all the crazy (yes, see #7) things I have done. He has supported me in my decisions and push me to remember our goals. What husband would attend a middle level teaching conference in Minneapolis in the middle of November? MINE because he is the best.
9. What did you do for your 16th birthday?
This actually happens to be my favorite birthday. Most girls dream of having a Sweet 16 birthday party and I was no different. Unfortunately, my 16th birthday happen in the middle strike at McDonnell Douglas Aircraft, and yes my dad was on strike. My parents did not have money at the time to give me that dream 16th birthday party. In the early afternoon on that day, my boyfriend, Jeremy (who happens to be still one of my closest and greatest friends), showed up at my house with 2 other friends. They took me to the mall, bought me presents, went to the movies, played video games and went to the local coffee shop. While we were gone magic happen at my house. Close family friends, the Koyns, came to the house. They had a cake, cooked a dinner and decorated. When I got home I couldn't believe it, I had a birthday party. It was small but the people who matter were there and tried to make it the best day they could. I love all of them for that day.
10. What's your favourite joke?
See # 9....
The Bloggers I nominate to have homework. (Thanks, Shawn for making this hard again, you realize we have a lot of the same people in our PLNs.)
1) Mark Clement, @edunators,
2) Dave Mulder, @d_mulder,
3) Oliver Schinkten, @schink10
4) Robert Dillon, +Robert Dillon, @ideaguy42,
5) Garnet Hillman, @garnet_hillman,
6) Todd Nelsoney, @techninjatodd,
7) Dave Stuart, @davestuartjr,
8) Amy Hiatt, +Amy Hiatt
9) Seth Berg, @bergseyeview
10) Chris McGee, @cmcgee200,
11) Michele Corbat, @michelecorbat,
Homework Questions:
1) What is your greatest moment?
2) What makes you happy?
3) What is the one show you will not miss on TV under any circumstances?
4) What is your favorite characteristic, what is your least favorite characteristic?
5) What do you want to do when you "grow up"?
6) Why have you chosen your current path?
7) Who has influenced you the most in your life?
8) What is your greatest regret? Greatest accomplishment?
9) What is the best feeling you have had?
10) What is your favorite book, why?
11) Why did you start your blog?
Now here is your homework!
Here’s how it works:
Post back here with a link after you write this. Go on, you have homework to do.
Have Fun...a real blog post will follow soon!
Shawn, did I turn my homework in before Todd???
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