Day 3 Blog Challenge

Discuss one “observation” area that you would like to improve on for your teacher evaluation.

There has been a lot of changes on the educational front lately. Missouri is no different than the rest of the United States or even the world.  Reforming education is a global issue and many changes are taking place.  This school year, like many districts in Missouri, we were introduced to our new teacher evaluations.  

It is hard to say what I would like to improve on since the evaluation tool is new this school year and it is nothing like the old one.  This one is a growth model, the district picks a standard, the building picks a standard and then you pick an individual.  Since I actually get to work with and see the other social studies teachers in my building now (thank you late start Wednesdays), the individual turned into more of a PLC goal.
So here are my goals for this year-
To integration at least one differentiated instruction lesson plan into each unit of study.
To use classroom management techniques that build a positive and safe learning environment.
To integration at least one critical thinking/problem solving lesson plans into each unit of study. 

The one I would like to discuss for the blog challenge is the building goal, the Positive and Safe Learning Environment.  The other two are important, great and yada, yada, yada. But how effective are the lesson plans if the students do not feel safe in the classroom.  The students need to feel like they can F.A.I.L. (have that first attempt in learning) and most importantly admit they have failed.  All the voices in the classroom need to be heard and accepted.  I want my students to feel that I value each and every one of them. If they have a problem, a situation or just need to talk, I am there for them, the students, my kids.  I have zero toleration for meanness, disrespect and rude behavior.  Each opinion is special, valued, should be heard and discussed.  As a building we started following the EXCEL modeling and using "Capturing Kids Hearts."  So far I feel a deeper connection to each one of my students.  

All that lesson planning can come second on my evaluation because it is pointless if I don't have the students hearts.  At the bottom of each of my principal's email she has this saying "If you have a child's heart, you have their head."~ Flip Flippen

Here is the website about Capturing Kids Heart and the Excel model if you want to know more .


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